The agricultural sector is under constant pressure to improve efficiency to remain internationally competitive. The possibilities to achieve this by means of Increase of scale are limited in our densely populated and fragmented region. Cost efficiency should instead come from mechanization. CIMAT is a three-year Interreg project, funded by the European Union. It brings together eleven partners in Flanders and the Netherlands. The goal of CIMAT is to develop a versatile and sustainable autonomous mobile robot platform that can be equipped with modular tools for various tasks and crops.
The CIMAT partners are:
- Inagro vzw
- KU Leuven – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- ILVO – Instituut voor Land- en Visserijonderzoek
- Provincie Vlaams-Brabant
- Delphy BV
- Proefboerderij Rusthoeve
- PCFruit – Proefcentrum Fruitteelt vzw
- University College Roosevelt
- Compas Agro
- Vanhoucke Machine Engineering bvba
- Octinion bvba
Contact at UCR: Frank van der Stappen