The core mission of the Friends of University College Roosevelt Foundation is to raise funds to provide financial aid to UCR students; bright young adults who can benefit from financial assistance in order to access the opportunities generated by UCR. A small financial investment in a motivated young person at the right time makes a major difference for that student’s future and for society as a whole.

What We Do

How We Help

We provide interest-free loans with extended grace periods. This gives our students sufficient time to pursue further education and establish themselves professionally. At the same time, encouraging them to support future generations of UCR students and enabling the Foundation to become partly self-sustainable within several years.

How We Work

Friends of UCR is an independent foundation associated with University College Roosevelt. It is governed by a board consisting of UCR representatives, major sponsors from the foundation, and UCR alumni.

UCR proposes excellent applicants in need of financial support, after which the Foundation Board selects the final candidates.

Friends of UCR

More about the Friends

Thank you for your continuous support!
Erisa Nuku, Albania


Chair: Johanna Gröne (UCR alumna Class of 2008)
Secretary: Melissa Ssettumba-Mott
Treasurer: Alex Maas
Board member: Leo de Wit
Board member: Sebastian Groothuis

Board members are entitled to receive reasonable compensation for the costs they have made in the execution of their function. Board members do not receive any remuneration for their activities.

Patron & Ambassadors

Patron: Herman Wijffels

  • Hans Adriaansens
  • Harald Bergmann
  • Bert van den Brink
  • Barbara Oomen
  • Jacqueline Wentink
  • Karla Peijs


Stichting Friends of UCR
Postbus 306, 4330 AH Middelburg
E-mail: (attn. Johanna Gröne)

IBAN: NL11 RABO 0303 558 350
RSIN nr 852379651