The UCR Council is one of UCR’s co-governance bodies (next to the UCR Program Committee) and represents the interests of UCRs students, faculty and staff members. Its advisory and approval rights are similar to those of a Faculty Council and laid down in the UCR Rules and Regulations which follow the provisions of the Dutch law on higher education and research (WHW). The Council discusses UCR’s policy development regarding the educational program and its support structures, finances, human resources, facilities, and communication and recruitment with the Executive Board.

The Council is made up of six members: a student section of three members and an employee section of three members. The employee section also acts as the UCR Works Council (Ondernemingsraad).

UCR Council meets with the Executive Board five times per year in meetings open to all members of the UCR community and twice a year with the Board of Trustees of UCR.   The Council year planning and agendas for individual meetings can be consulted on the Council’s Moodle pages. Minutes are published there as well.

Current members of the UCR Council are:

Employee members: Susan Groenleer, Jennifer-Rose Kruger
Student members: Hugo Bos, Kel Schoenmakers, Yuvana Sahi
Contact: and