From its founding year of 2004 onwards, UCR has always been accredited with highly positive results by the NVAO. The NVAO is the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organization that is responsible for the accreditation of all publicly funded Dutch and Flemish Universities.
The three times that UCR was formally (re-)accredited, in 2008, 2013, and 2019, we were given the overall predicate ‘good’. This puts us in the top 20% of Dutch and Flemish universities. In all cases, UCR’s teaching and learning environment, the strong sense of community, the quality of our dedicated teaching faculty, the support structures around them, the entrepreneurial and idealistic spirit of our students and innovations such as our extensive student portfolio and, recently, our focus on new technologies and engineering, were praised.
In addition to its normal accreditation, UCR proudly carries the exclusive label ‘Small-scale and intensive’, awarded by the NVAO. This label is awarded to a select group of programs that significantly outperform other undergraduate programs on seven quality indicators. These indicators are: Intended learning outcomes; Relationship between the goals and content of the programme; structure and didactive concept; Intake; Quality of teaching faculty; Number of teaching faculty; Available facilities; Level realized.