About me
I am a marine biologist by training & obtained my Ph.D. at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (now Netherlands Institute for Sea Research) in 1998 on the adaptation of marine microalgae to fluctuating irradiances. Part of the work for this thesis was carried out at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York.
After obtaining my Ph.D. I worked as a science communication officer for the Netherlands Institute of Ecology, and as Policy Advisor for the strategy department of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water management in the Hague. During this period, I published the book “Hoogwater”, concerning the Dutch water management in the past and in the future. In addition, I wrote the “Isis” future scenarios, which were used to generate a corporate discussion about the long-term strategy of the ministry.
After this, I worked for several years as a fulltime owner of dive company/nature education center “Oceanus”. With this company I set up a series of PADI marine biology courses, a marine biology snorkling/diving program for SNP Nature Travels and kids nature education activities for National park Eastern Scheldt.
Since 2020 I am an active politician for the provincial parliament and spokesperson for climate and energy, environmental issues, water, fisheries and aquaculture. I also work as a political trainer in developing democracies.
On the side I work as a science journalist and filmmaker.
- De luchtkwaliteit in Nederland is ronduit beroerd (Centrum Lokaal Bestuur 2023)
- Verbied plezierjacht nu wilde eend slachtoffer is (Algemeen Dagblad 2021)
- Waarom Zeeland niet voor kernenergie moet kiezen. (Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant 2021)
- Je kunt een dijk niet eindeloos ophogen, wisselpolders zijn het onderzoeken waard. (Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant 2021)
- Flameling, I.A. (2020) Een “whodunnit” van de meest afgelegen plek op aarde. Book review on “Beelden van Paaseiland”, Tijdschrift Zeeland 2020/4.
- Producer/editor/director of the TV-series “Yesc” (Young Energy Society Challenge) for Omroep Zeeland and the KZGW (2019) (https://www.omroepzeeland.nl/tv/aflevering/yesc/370206652)
- Stop met ballonnen. (Trouw 2018)
- Flameling, I.A. and Rijkers, G. (2018) Fecal Microbiota Transplants as a Treatment Option for Parkinson’s Disease. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.78666. In book: Gut Microbiota – Brain Axis
- Moet de universiteit een podium bieden aan ‘klimaatsceptici’ vanwege de academische vrijheid? (Trouw 2017)
- Weg met “wetenschappelijk creationisme”. (Bionieuws 2013)
- Beperk vangst om later meer te kunnen vissen. (Trouw 2012)
- Voedsel verbouwen in de stad is een trend om serieus te nemen. (Trouw 2012)
- Planten en dieren zijn geen wisselgeld. (Trouw 2011)
- Flameling, I.A. (2003). Hoogwater, 50 jaar na de watersnoodramp. 184 pages. Kosmos/Z&K, ISBN 9021539659. (A memorial book for the 1953 storm surge that killed almost 2000 people in the Netherlands).
- Flameling, I.A. (2002). ISIS scenariowerkboek. Rijkswaterstaat.
- Saeijs, H.L.F., Flameling, I.A., Adriaanse, L.A. (1999). Eco-pragmatisme: Omgaan met rivieren, delta’s, kust en zee in de 21e eeuw. In: De Staat van Water: Opstellen over juridische, technische, financiële en politiek-bestuurlijke aspecten van waterbeheer. Eds. A.van Hall, Th.G. Drupsteen & H.J.M. Havekes (pp. 29-42). Vermande.
- Riegman, R., I. A. Flameling, A. A. M. Noordeloos (1998). Size-fractionated uptake of ammonium, nitrate and urea and phytoplankton growth in the North Sea during spring 1994. Marine Ecology Progress Series Vol. 173: pp. 85–94.
- Flameling, I.A., Kromkamp, J. (1998). Light dependence of quantum yields for PSII charge separation and oxygen evolution in eucaryotic algae. Limnology and Oceanography (journal) Vol. 43, Issue 2, pp. 284-297.
- Flameling, I.A. (1998). Growth and photosynthesis of eukaryotic microalgae in fluctuating light conditions, induced by vertical mixing. 136 pages. Ph.D. Thesis, Catholic University of Nijmegen/Netherlands Institute of Ecology.
- Flameling, I.A., Kromkamp, J. (1997) Photoacclimation of Scenedesmus protuberans (Chlorophyceae) to fluctuating irradiances simulating vertical mixing. Journal of Plankton Res. Vol.19: pp. 1011-1024.
- Flameling, I.A., Kromkamp, J. (1995) Regulation of photosynthesis of Phaeocystis Globosa in fluctuating light conditions. In: P. Mathis (ed.), Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere. Vol. V, 797-800. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Flameling, I.A., Kromkamp, J. (1994) Responses of respiration and photosynthesis of Scenedesmus protuberans Fritsch to gradual and steep salinity increases. Journal of Plankton Res. Vol. 16: pp. 1781-1791.