Contact details Tel: +31 (0)118 655 500
Eleanor 1.07

About me

My research interests lie in the philosophy of time, the philosophy of mind, and the history of modern philosophy. Before joining UCR as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy, I obtained a DPhil (PhD) in Philosophy from the University of Oxford. During my studies for the DPhil, I spent time researching at the École normale supérieure in Paris as a visiting doctoral researcher. I graduated with an M.A. in Philosophy from Tel Aviv University, and a B.A. in Philosophy and History from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

In my teaching, I aim to allow students to approach the fascinating questions of philosophy in a spirit of lively critical inquiry, and to develop an informed, independent perspective. I have had the opportunity to teach philosophy throughout my studies in Tel Aviv, Oxford, and Paris. At UCR, I teach introductory-level as well as intermediate and advanced-level courses in the history of philosophy, the philosophy of mind, metaphysics, and ethics.