Faculty and Undergraduate Research
Many of our professors engage in research projects at UCR and Utrecht University. This produces output in the form of papers, conference proceedings, books, research grants, and Ph.D. defenses at Utrecht University. Most importantly, this enriches all courses and individual projects that students engage in at UCR.
As a student, you are expected to do research from the day you enter the college. Doing research is about being curious. You think about the methods you need to use to satisfy that curiosity, keeping in mind the knowledge that has already generated by academia. What better way to learn than through research. Together with professors, you will work on all kinds of research projects, starting in your first semester with a statistics project, an engineering project, or a multidisciplinary project around a societal challenge such as the Energy Transition. In later semesters, more advanced research starts in the classroom with a research design session and ends up with Faculty members and students pursuing a research project together. You will learn how to collect data, analyze them and write about your findings in controllable ways. Regularly, students go to conferences to present the work and regularly publish their work together as joint authors in peer reviewed journals. Each UCR student finishes their education with a research project called a Senior Project, which you can check out above.
Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.

Internships and Outreach
Undergraduate research is often combined with internships in medical, governmental, academic, and cultural institutions in the Netherlands and abroad. UCR’s undergraduate research fund offers each of its students financial support for research internships and conference visits. The work students do in research or internships is usually related to their Senior Project.
UCR students and professors also engage in outreach projects within the local community. This includes giving special lectures for primary school children at the library or hosting groups of high school students at UCR. Finally, UCR is also host to many academic conferences and lectures from leading academics throughout the year.