The list below shows some of the diplomas that are sufficient to apply to UCR. All diplomas need to have English and Mathematics as required subjects. If your diploma is not listed below, contact to see if you may be admissible.
You can also apply if you have completed one year of full-time college or university credit. Students can only apply for Transfer of Credit if they have completed an additional semester or year of full-time college or university credit.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Admissible with a minimum of 30 points excluding TOK, EE & CAS.
European Baccalaureate (EB)
Carribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)
Admissible with three double units (Unit 1 + 2) in three general/academic subjects: minimum grade I-V.
Countries A-C
- Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore
- VWO Diploma
- Reife(prüfungs)zeugnis from an Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule
- Reife- und Diplomprüfungszeugnis from a Berufsbildende Höhere Schule
- Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Year 12 certificate + an ATAR score of 85-100, or
- Higher School Certificate + an ATAR score of 85-100, or
- Northern Territory Certificate of Education + an ATAR score of 85-100, or
- Qualifications Certificate/Tasmanian Certificate of Education + an ATAR score of 85-100, or
- Queensland Certificate of Education + an ATAR score of 85-100, or
- South Australian Certificate of Education + an ATAR score of 85-100, or
- Victorian Certificate of Education + an ATAR score of 85-100, or
- Western Australian Certificate of Education + an ATAR score of 85-100
- Getuigschrift van Secondair Onderwijs: Algemeen Secondair Onderwijs, or
- Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur: Enseignement General
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu, or
- Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi
- Диплома за средна образовагие (Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie)
- Alberta High School Diploma with at least five grade 12 S3 courses in general, academic subjects and a score of at least 70% in each subject, or
- British Columbia Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with at least five grade 12 courses in general, academic subjects and a score of at least 73% (B) in each subject, or
- Diplome d’Etudes Collegiales – Préuniversitaire, or
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma with at least six grade 12 University Preparation Courses (Pre-U/M) or six Ontario Academic Courses
- Svedodžba o (državnoj) Maturi
- VWO diploma
- Greek: Απολυτήριο Λυκείου (Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou) average grade 15 or higher
- Turkish: Lise Bitirme Diplomasi from a public school with an average score of at least 8.0
Czech Republic
- Vsyvědčení o maturiní zkoušce from a Gymnázium
Countries D-I
- Studentereksamenbevis, or
- Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen, or
- Bevis for Højere Handelseksamen
- Bevis for Højere Teknisk Eksamen
- Gümnaasiumi Iõputunnistus
- Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamenbevis
- Baccalauréat Général, or
- Baccalauréat Général Option Internationale
- Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur)
- Απολυτήριο Λυκείου (Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou) average grade 10 or higher
Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) with levels 4-5 in English and Mathematics and a 3-5 in Chinese and Liberal Studies (with no more than one of the two being a 3)
- Gimnáziumi Érettségi Bizonyítvány
- Stúdentspróf from a Menntaskóli
- All Indian Secondary School Certificate (CBSE) with at least five relevant academic subjects* with a minimum grade of 75%, or
- Indian School Certificate (CISCE) with at least five relevant academic subjects* with a minimum grade of 75%
- All other Indian diplomas are evaluated on a case by case basis
* Physical Education is not considered a relevant academic course. Home Economics, Fashion Studies and similar will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
- Irish Leaving Certificate with at least six exam subjects of which two must be at Higher Level (H1-H4 or A-C)
- Te’udat Bagrut with at least 20 credits of which at least 3 in English and 4 in Mathematics
- Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo dei Corsi di Instruzione Secondario Superiore from a Liceo Classico, Liceo Scientifico, Liceo Linguistico or Liceo della Scienze Umane
Countries J-M
- Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) Grade 12 Certificate
- Diplomë për Kryerjen e Shkollës së Mesme të Lartë
- Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību
- Maturazeugnis from a Gymnasium
- Brandos Atestatas
- Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires (classiques ou générales)
- Diploma za položena državna matura/Диплома за положена државна матура
- Unified Examination Certificate with an average score above75%
- Matriculation Certificate
Countries N-S
New Zealand
- NCEA Level 3 with sufficient credits from level 3 subjects
- Vitnemål for Videregående Opplaering with Specialization in General Studies
- Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego
- Diploma/Certificado/Certidão do Ensino Secundário (Stream: Cursos Científicos-Humanísticos) with an average final grade of at least 14 + Exames Nacionais do Ensino Secundário (ENES) with an Access Grade of at least 120 (as calculated on the official ENES Document issued by the Ministry of Education) over at least 3 national (university entrance) exams in 3 different subjects.
- Diplomă de Bacalaureat
- Diploma o stečenom srednem obrazovanju, or
- Diploma Uverenje o položenom maturskom ispitu
- Singapore-Cambridge GCE A levels (three H2, one H1 content based subjects and the General Paper/Knowledge and Inquiry)
Sint Maarten
- VWO diploma
- Vsyvedčenie o maturitnej skúške from a Gymnázium
- Splošna Matura
South Africa
- National Senior Certificate with an average grade of 70% or higher, and none of the subject grades below 65%
- Bachillerato (Titulo de Bachiller) with an average score of at least 7 + a passing grade on the EBAU/EVAU/PAU
- VWO Diploma
- Högskoleförberedande Examen från Gymnasieskolan in one of the following programs:
– Business Management and Economics
– Health and Social Care
– Humanities
– Natural Science
– Social Science
– Technology
- Maturitätszeugnis/Maturitätsausweis/Certificat de Maturité
Countries T-Z
- Lise Diplomasi (4 years) including English and Math as exam subjects with an overall grade of 80% or higher
United Kingdom
- England, Northern Ireland and Wales: Three academic A-levels with grade B or higher (IGCSE Math is sufficient for admission, though a Math A-level is recommended for those with an interest in Science, Engineering and Economics).
- Scotland: Scottish Qualifications Certificate with at least 4 Highers with grades A-B
United States of America
- High School diploma with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and 4 College Board APs (score 3 or higher)
- High School diploma with one year of college credit
- Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Phổ Thông Trung Học (Upper Secondary School Graduation Diploma) with a score of 8 in each of the four national examinations