Roosevelt College Choir
Every respectable Liberal Arts College has its own choir. This is why Roosevelt College Choir was founded right after the opening of the doors of our College in 2004.
The Roosevelt College Choir comprises about twenty young and enthusiastic singers, brought together by their studies in Middelburg. All members are in the choir at least one academic year, during which they follow the (three-semester) Choir Course. This training programme includes weekly rehearsals with its conductor, Ramon van den Boom.
As UCR’s official choir, it enhances academic events, including the opening of the academic year and the graduation ceremony. Next to that, church services and independent concerts form a significant part of the choir’s activities, for example, the annual Classical Concert in the Zeeuwse Concertzaal.
The choir’s repertoire includes both sacred and profane music, ranging from Josquin and Heinrich Schütz to Ola Gjeilo. It includes works by numerous composers of seven centuries, e.g. Monteverdi, Byrd, Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Fauré, Britten and Chilcott.
The choir performed in Evening Prayers, e.g. in the Maria Magdalenakerk in Goes, and in concerts together with the Choir of St. John’s College, Cambridge several times (e.g. in the St. Jacobskerk, Vlissingen), and the Choir of Clare College, Cambridge. The Choir has also performed at the Four Freedom Awards ceremony and released a CD Call for Freedom, featuring spirituals: songs conceived by slaves on American plantations between the seventeenth and nineteenth century.
Contact the Choir via e-mail: rooseveltcollegechoir@ucr.nl.