University College Roosevelt, HZ University of Applied Sciences and Scalda have put together an excellent program together with entrepreneurs, experts and students. The aim of the day is to put the SDGs further on the map, to delve deeper into the goals and bring them closer.

Climate march
The SDG Action Day starts on Friday 24 September at 09:00 with a climate march by University College Roosevelt on the Markt in Middelburg. Here, Alderman Chris Dekker will give a short speech, and the SDG flag will be hoisted  at the Stadhuis. At 10.00, the HZ, and Scalda in Vlissingen will hoist the SDG flags.

Activities and workshops
After that, there will be activities at the HZ in Vlissingen all day, focused on the SDGs. You can find the program here. There is a limited number of places for the lectures. Full is full. All lectures can also be followed via a livestream.