In a hybrid ceremony hosted from the Burgerzaal at UCR, graduates will be able to attend the graduation, and receive their diploma from the Dean. Graduates who cannot be present in Middelburg will be joining the ceremony via Zoom. You are also able to join this special online graduation. It will be available at 15:00 on Friday January 28th here.
Sam de Vlieger, Class of 2011, will give the Commencement Address. At UCR, Sam took an interdepartmental major specializing in philosophy, economics and mathematics. He was the chair of the RASA and an active and enthusiastic member of the student community. After graduating from UCR he went on to do a master in philosophy at KU Leuven, Belgium. After this thorough, theoretical training a practical turn occurred and Sam worked in agriculture (France) and as a bicycle mechanic (The Netherlands) for four years. Gradually the intellectual and practical came to a synthesis, as Sam decided to start teaching at a secondary school in Wageningen, The Netherlands. He completed two part-time studies for this: a bachelor to become an economics teacher and afterwards a master to be able to teach philosophy. At the moment Sam lives in Utrecht with his UCR-love, teaches philosophy at a secondary school, works as a practical philosopher and develops a website on which students can test each other by asking questions.
UCR Graduations in Winter feature a Class Speaker. The Class Speaker is a member of the graduating class with great academic results and strong social involvement in the community. They are chosen by the Dean with input from the Student Association RASA and have a unique opportunity to address the graduating class and guests during the ceremony.
This year’s Class Speaker, Margherita Goetze, is originally from Germany. During her studies at UCR, she focused on Economics, Law and Politics. Next to her studies, Maggie was a General Board Member for PoLaw for a year. She was in the Independent Board of the Housing Affairs Council, Mensa Volunteer for Elliott, and Academic Affairs Council mentor in 2020. She was also Chair of the Red Cross student desk and took part in the Theatra plays.