Studying abroad in Europe

Studying abroad gives you a very unique and enriching experience as a student. There are plenty of locations to go to, but a lot of students choose to study abroad in Europe. This is a logical choice, since English is spoken by the majority of the population and there are numerous business opportunities

Why study abroad in Europe?

One of the main reasons students study abroad is for the opportunity to travel and explore new places. Europe offers plenty of opportunities for this! Because of the European Union, and of course because Europe has very good infrastructure, it is extremely easy to travel throughout Europe and thus visit as many European countries as you want! You can go for example by car, bus, train, ferry or airplane.

Europe is a good destination to broaden your knowledge, since the education system in Europe is very different from other locations. International students can gain insight into other educational models and explore new topics with students and professors from different backgrounds. In addition, countries within Europe (e.g. the Netherlands) have some of the best educational institutions in the world.

Studying abroad teaches valuable skills such as adaptability, resilience, and problem-solving in ways that cannot be learned in your home country. There is nothing like being alone in a foreign country. You will find out that studying abroad really improves your independence, which is a key attribute managers look for. While teamwork is important, employers like to know they are taking on people who can work without constant direction and support.

Where to study in Europe: At University College Roosevelt!

University College Roosevelt gives you the opportunity to find a Bachelor’s program that suits your interests and passions. For example, you can combine courses such as Philosophy and Physics, Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics, or Law and a Linguistics. You can construct your own academic program, tailor-made to your individual interests. In doing so, our program prepares you for a world whose demands and challenges grow more complex each year, while preparing you for the Master’s program or the job of your choice.

Would you like to study abroad in the Netherlands, but don’t want to limit yourself to just one area of expertise? Do you like discussions and debates and do you want to be challenged in an international environment? Liberal Arts and Sciences at UCR is for curious young people who want to develop themselves in multiple fields of study. Contact us for more information!